Bandwidth on Demand

Increase revenue opportunities with BoD Automation
Real-time control

Customers can easily scale up or down in
real-time as required.

Manage Congestion 

Rules to manage congestion and network workflow can be preconfigured and automated. 

Your interface or Ours

Integrate into your existing portal or use Activeport’s white-label solution.

Stay ahead of the game with bandwidth self-service

Telecommunication providers have traditionally operated under a fixed-price model for bandwidth, with customers locked into contracts regardless of usage. Now with Activeport’s Bandwidth on Demand (BoD), telcos can offer a highly competitive product that end-customers can control themselves via a self-service portal.


Provision in 3 minutes … not 3 weeks

Historically carriers take 3-4 weeks to manually adjust bandwidth capacity. By providing real-time access in a self-service portal, customers can increase their own bandwidth without having to wait for new contracts or manual provisioning. This allows end customers to access (and pay for) additional bandwidth during peak periods. The end customer journey is fully automated with parameters that are pre-configured from start to finish.

Activeport software helps companies across the globe transform their IT operations. Read our latest case study


Bandwidth Management
and Automation

Effectively manage network traffic during congestion events with Activeport’s Bandwidth on Demand.  Rules for network workflow can be preconfigured and automated. Activeport’s solution allows carriers to purchase additional bandwidth through carrier network-to-network Interface (NNI) or in locations that are off-net. 

Bandwidth on Demand by Activeport

Bandwidth on Demand offers unprecedented scalability and flexibility, increasing customer satisfaction

Your interface or ours?

Activeport’s portfolio of software-defined networking solutions are delivered via a white-label customer self service UI. Brand the portal as your own, offer new products to add new revenue streams. Gain the competitive edge by offering the latest in network automation technology with Activeport.

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